Love Vibrational Mist

Love Vibrational Mist

from $14.95

Love vibrational mist allows you to love and accept yourself, understanding that you are an important part of the divine universal energy. Love opens the heart chakra and allows connection to all living beings. Use the love vibrational mist on a daily basis as body spray after your shower or bath and speak the affirmation aloud to yourself in the mirror. You may find this challenging the first couple of times you try it, but I recommend persisting, and you will soon feel the benefits.

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I Am Loved

I Am Loving

I Am Lovable

I Love & Accept Myself

As I Am


Authentic Wisdom Flower Essences:

Camelia - Maternal love. Universal love. Acceptance of the self. Opens the heart centre. Supports authenticity, friendship, humility and true confidence.

Plum Myrtle Flower - Calms and centres, while providing connection to the higher self. Complete acceptance of the beauty of being oneself.

Flowering Peach Tree - Nurturing. For those who tend to be shy. Encourages self-confidence and belief in oneself. New beginnings/renewal.

Agapanthus - Unconditional love and acceptance, with the understanding of connection to all living beings. Connection to the higher self.

Love In A Puff - Reduces irritation and frustration, allowing forgiveness and unconditional love.   


Ahimsa Essential Oils:

Cedarwood - Brings spiritual strength, allows connection and grounding. Calms anxiety and reduces fear.

Orange - Relaxing and calming, reduces anxiety and is an antidepressant.

Patchouli – Calming and relaxing, aligns the heart chakra with the root and sacral chakra, grounding and balancing effect on the emotions.

Rose Geranium – Balances the nervous system, relieves stress and anxiety.

Ylang Ylang – Aphrodisiac properties, balances nervous system.