“My aim is to assist you in achieving your health goals by encouraging your body’s innate healing capacity and wisdom, and applying the principles of holistic healing from a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual perspective”


Naturopathic medicine focuses on prevention, treatment, and optimal health through lifestyle modifications and natural substances that encourage our inherent self-healing process. The focus of naturopathy is to treat the underlying cause of the condition, not just the symptoms. Treatment methods include lifestyle and dietary advice, herbal medicine, nutritional medicine, and flower essence therapy, with a prescription that is individually prepared, based on your needs.

Your naturopathic consultation will include getting some details of your presenting health issue as well as additional questioning on other systems of the body, lifestyle, diet, stress levels and your psychological and emotional challenges. What affects one part of our health will also affect other systems, as it is all interconnected. We then develop a plan together to address your health concerns.

Mental Health

Supporting mental health issues from a holistic perspective is something I have been passionate about for decades. There are many complementary options to help manage depression and anxiety, including optimal nutrition, movement, breathing techniques and herbal medicine. Naturopathic medicine can offer assistance with stress, burnout, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, addictions and insomnia.  With a Bachelor degree, I am trained to work alongside pharmaceutical medications and can help minimise side-effects or assist with the transition to natural means to manage mental health conditions.

The link between digestive issues and mental health via the Gut-Brain Axis, and the microbiome intrigues me.  Digestive health is fundamental to wellbeing, and imbalances can cause pain, bloating, tiredness, and mental and emotional irritability.  Addressing digestive complaints through naturopathic medicine can assist with all aspects of gastrointestinal discomfort, identifying and treating the underlying cause, providing assistance with irritable bowel syndrome, food intolerances and allergies to help reclaim your energy again.

I am passionate about holistic healing and empowering others on their journey of wellness, and look forward to providing guidance with any of your health issues.  Your health is your most important asset and deserves to be recognized as such.

Email info@authenticwisdom.com.au for further information or to book an appointment.



Cathy sitting looking at the camera