Heart Chakra Healing Pack

Heart Chakra Healing Pack

from $28.95

The heart chakra healing pack combining love and forgiveness vibrational mists works with opening and healing the heart centre, allowing love to be expressed, with the understanding that learning to love, accept and forgive the self is the first step to opening up to the flow of love. Heart chakra healing also includes some suggestions to work with self-nurturing and acceptance as well as a forgiveness ritual to help release anger and bitterness and move on.

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Heart Chakra Healing Pack

Includes Love & Forgiveness Vibrational Mists


Before we can open to the flow of love, it is essential to heal the heart from hurts of the past, including forgiving the self for any transgressions that you still beat yourself up about. Can you make amends? If so, do… If not, then learn from the experience, and allow yourself to be released from the continual pain of guilt. Love vibrational mist allows you to love and accept yourself, understanding that you are an important part of the divine universal energy. Love opens the heart chakra and allows connection to all living beings. 

Use the love vibrational mist as body spray after your shower or bath and speak the affirmation aloud to yourself in the mirror. Do this on a daily basis. You may find this challenging the first couple of times you try it, but I recommend persisting, and you will soon feel the benefits. Forgiveness vibrational mist assists with letting go of resentment, anger and guilt, allowing forgiveness and release. Forgiveness encourages love, compassion and acceptance of past and present circumstances. The forgiveness vibrational mist can assist the healing process by misting above the head and speaking aloud the affirmation. The combination of essential oils and flower essences encourages your connection to your subconscious for deep healing, and the affirmation strengthens your intentions and connects you emotionally and spiritually to your higher self.