Posts in Vibrational Mists
Getting to know your Higher Self

Sometimes we lose contact with this important source and connection to our Higher Selves. From the moment we are born we are influenced by the people around us. Our behaviour is shaped to fit in with our family's expectations, then our schooling and ultimately society, peers and the mass media.

Somewhere along the line we learn to listen to others, believing that to be loved and accepted means to think, behave and say what is acceptable to those that are important to us. Sadly it means that we stop listening to our own intuition, and can be side-tracked by the well-meaning influence of others.  Getting to know who we truly are is one of the most important explorations we can make... 

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Self acceptance and Self nurturing.
Self acceptance and self nurturing are incredibly important skills to learn in life. You are the best friend you will have in this lifetime. You will be with yourself every step of the way. Wouldn't it be better if you were supportive, loving and kind towards yourself? Imagine the freedom of not having to search outside of yourself for validation?  The Love vibrational mist strengthens love and acceptance of the Self, opening the heart centre and allowing connection to all living beings.  Read on for tips on self-acceptance and self-nurturing.
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Exploring Forgiveness

Forgiveness can be a challenging concept for many.  However resentment, bitterness or guilt are emotions that keep us locked in the past and powerless in the present.  As well as being linked with many disease states including cancer.  Read on to explore forgiveness and set yourself free from thepain, anger and guilt, and allow yourself to move on...
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